Entity Framework Tutorial For Beginners

In my last article, I have explained how to create simple asp.net mvc application. So let us move further and understand how can we build data access layer using entity framework.Before we begin with development, let us understand few concepts.

What is the need of Entity Framework?

 Let me explain in simple words.The software application that we write using object oriented languages such  as C#, java deals everything in terms of objects. It has got its own standards for managing object oriented data. However, when it comes to data storage we use relational data and RDMS systems. So application layer and database layer has got two different standards for managing data. If a domain object from application layer needs be persisted as relational data then we need a mapper to convert domain object to relational data. Otherwise developers end up in writing lot of code to do this conversion. This is where entity framework plays a vital role.

Understanding MVC Action Filters

MVC action methods allows to process the incoming request and perform necessary action on it. However, if there is need where in you would want to process the request before it hits any action methods or perform post processing after action method is executed. This is where MVC Action filters play’s vital role in pre-processing or post processing the request. Additionally, filters allows to inject custom logic at different stages of action method execution.

MVC Filter

asp.net mvc tutorial for beginner

Hello Friends! : Welcome to my technical blog. In this asp.net MVC tutorial, I will be explaining about basic concepts of asp.net MVC.   

Basics of Asp.net MVC

In software application design, MVC is most widely used architectural pattern that allows us to develop robust applications consisting of three main components (Model, View, Controller) that are loosely coupled, extensible and can be tested independently. MVC is primarily used for web application development.

MVC Architectural Diagram


In simple words: Routing is process of mapping incoming request url to a resource, which can serve the request. 
Why do we need  routes? Aren’t our web application and web servers not capable of matching user request to specific resource/web page (.html or aspx or php) on the server? The answer is “Yes”. However, let say user requests a page or URL that doesn’t exist on server at all. What do we do in that case? Showing 404 page always is not good idea. This is where routing comes to rescue. Using routing you can define routes that need not always map against physical file on the server

Developing asp.net MVC5 web application

Hello Friends, In last session, I did cover some of the basic concepts of asp.net mvc. So let us put them in to practice. We are taking example of customer registration  form in the tutorial. As we move forward we will be adding more functionalities to it.

Dependency injection in MVC

Today I would like to share my thoughts on dependency injection in MVC. If you are not familiar with MVC, i would suggest to read my article about MVC first.

What is Dependency Injection?

In simple words dependency injection (DI) means injecting a new functionality (let say X) to a base functionality without making any changes it. Later, functionality X can be replaced by Functionality Y with no impact on base functionality.

Post XML Data to an Asp or Php page using C#

In one of my recent project, i had requirement to post XML file to one of the third party site on need basis. The third party site was not supporting soap web service or restful service to upload files from our site.Instead third party site had webpage to accept XML files via Http post request.

Creating efficient custom pagination and sorting using Linq

In this article i will demonstrate how to incorporate custom pagination,sorting option for the gridview control using Linq and entity framework.